Spoken English is required as a minimum standard for ALL applicants.
* indicates required fileld.
The following information will be treated in the strictest confidence.


A standard working week at Winterwood is 5 days. Please indicate the days that could form your working week
Note that we do not "employ" people on the pretence of being "Self Employed". If you can only work in the UK as a self employed person, then you should answer "No" to this question and we cannot employ you until you get the correct papers/visa.


Past Employment Details

Present or Last Employer



Supplementary Information



Source of Application

Attach Files

If you wish to select more than one file, you will need to hold down the CTRL button whilst selecting the files.
We process this data for recruitment purposes only.
We would like to keep this data until our recruitment process is finished. Unsuccessful candidate’s data will be kept for 6 months when that period is over we will delete your data.
A link to our privacy policy can be found below. In this policy, you will find information about our compliance with GDPR. You can find how to send us a request to let you access your data that we have collected, request us to delete your data, correct any inaccuracies or restrict our processing of your data.
You have the right to lodge a complaint about the way we handle your data with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)

Agreement to use my data

I understand that I can ask to see this data to check its accuracy at any time via a subject access request (SAR).
I understand that I can ask for a copy of my personal data held about me at any time and this request is free of charge.
I understand that I can request that data that is no longer required to be held, can be removed from my file and destroyed.
I understand that if I am unsuccessful with my application my data will be destroyed after six months.
I understand that if I am dissatisfied with how my company uses my data I can make a complaint to the government body in charge (Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or at www.ICO.org.uk)

I hereby freely give my prospective employer Winterwood Farms Ltd consent to use and process my personal data relating to my job application.

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